Presented by:


Christophe Larsonneur

from DXC Technologies

I'm working in DXC Technologies, originally part of HP, then HPE.

I have a Developer background, but I developed my competencies in SCM, Build space. Convinced by the Opensource model, I'm a strong user of Fedora since core 8 and RedHat 6, 7, 8 and 9.

I built my expertise since 2013 on DevOps, with Forj (freezed) and has recently restarted my contribution in building a new version called Forjj. I'm actively working on it and using it in the company.

Technically, I'm expert or advanced user in GO, ansible, openstack, docker, shell, Mesos(dcos), git, github, jenkins, ...

No video of the event yet, sorry!

Connaissez-vous GO? Go est un nouveau language Opensource construit par Google.

Je vous propose d'apprendre et d'écrire votre premier programme GO.

Nous explorerons le basique (first code, loop, condition, data structure, reading files and saving files) Pour les utilisateurs un peu avancés, on pourra aller jusqu'à lire/écrire yaml ou json.

Afin de réaliser le workshop, veuillez prévoir un ordinateur portable afin de vous connecter sur le réseau internet.

2018 January 19 - 16:15
1 h
Colette (HPE B4N3) atelier
FLOSSCon 2018
Requires Registration:
Yes (Registered: 13/24)